English test 12

How much farther  (far) do we have to go to get to the campsite?

The world’s highest building is in Dubai.

I’m very indecisive when I have to buy shoes. I never know which ones to get.

Sally keeps asking  me to go shopping with her on Saturday, but I don’t really want to go.

The whole class were stunned  when Mr Hardy said he was leaving to work abroad. He was our favorite teacher!

We’d better ask  permission from a teacher before we go for lunch.

My mum was furious  when my brother came home with dirty trousers. He had been playing football in the rain.

The further from home we are, the more anxious   I feel.     

It is one of the most significant problems facing the world today.

Paula asked the children to turn the music down

Robert has just won first prize in a talent competition. He’s over the moon

We enjoyed the match, but we were disappointed  with the result. Our team lost 4–3. 

Andy is exasperated with his little sister because she keeps going into his room. Andy really is tearing his hair out

I’m feeling really stressed  about the test on Friday. I haven’t revised, and I think I’m going to do badly.

I apologies for leaving  early, but I didn’t feel well.

Paula didn’t mean to take your bag. She did it by accident

My classmate Gareth has got a brand new phone, and I’ve got a really bad, old one. I am green with envy

I don’t remember seeing Claire at the party, but she’s just texted to say she had a great time there.

I’d sooner have  a glass of juice.

Our team didn’t play well in the first half, but the performance got even worse in the second half.

The Letter

Standing at my letterbox, I nervously ripped open the creamy white envelope. ‘Dear Sarah Jones’, the letter began. ‘we regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful’. I looked up. I couldn’t continue 1reading any further. Just then my mobile rang. It was my dad. He wanted 2to find out if I had got a job. I told him what the letter said. ‘Cheer up’, he replied. ‘If you keep 3sending out applications, you will find a job eventually. Can you tell me what they said?’ ‘What’s the use of reading anymore’, I replied disappointedly. I looked down at the letter again. the letter continued; ‘We do not feel you are experienced enough 5to work in our marketing department. However, after 6considering you CV, we would like 7to offer you some training for another position in our company. We would be glad 8to meet you to discuss this. We look forward to 9hearing from you soon’. ‘I suggest 10reading all the way to the end next time, sweetheart!’, dad said. 

1. [reading]

2. [to find out]

3. [sending]

4. [reading]

5. [to work]

6. [considering]

7. [to offer]

8. [to meet]

9. [hearing]

10. [reading]

Lucky horseshoes

In the UK, a lot of people put horseshoes on their front doors because they think it brings good luck. It’s one of the 1 most common sights on small cottages in country villages. But why do people think horseshoes bring good fortune? One reason is that horseshoes are made of iron. Other metals are believed to be nowhere 2 near as lucky as iron, which is believed to be 3a lot better at frightening away evil spirits 4 than any other metal. Another reason is that traditional horseshoes have seven holes, and you need seven nails to fasten a horseshoe to a horse’s foot. And seven is a 5much luckier number than any other.

1. [most]

2. [near]

3. [a lot]

4. [than]

5. [much]