English test 12

How much farther  (far) do we have to go to get to the campsite?

The world’s highest building is in Dubai.

I’m very indecisive when I have to buy shoes. I never know which ones to get.

Sally keeps asking  me to go shopping with her on Saturday, but I don’t really want to go.

The whole class were stunned  when Mr Hardy said he was leaving to work abroad. He was our favorite teacher!

We’d better ask  permission from a teacher before we go for lunch.

My mum was furious  when my brother came home with dirty trousers. He had been playing football in the rain.

The further from home we are, the more anxious   I feel.     

It is one of the most significant problems facing the world today.

Paula asked the children to turn the music down

Robert has just won first prize in a talent competition. He’s over the moon

We enjoyed the match, but we were disappointed  with the result. Our team lost 4–3. 

Andy is exasperated with his little sister because she keeps going into his room. Andy really is tearing his hair out

I’m feeling really stressed  about the test on Friday. I haven’t revised, and I think I’m going to do badly.

I apologies for leaving  early, but I didn’t feel well.

Paula didn’t mean to take your bag. She did it by accident

My classmate Gareth has got a brand new phone, and I’ve got a really bad, old one. I am green with envy

I don’t remember seeing Claire at the party, but she’s just texted to say she had a great time there.

I’d sooner have  a glass of juice.

Our team didn’t play well in the first half, but the performance got even worse in the second half.

The Letter

Standing at my letterbox, I nervously ripped open the creamy white envelope. ‘Dear Sarah Jones’, the letter began. ‘we regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful’. I looked up. I couldn’t continue 1reading any further. Just then my mobile rang. It was my dad. He wanted 2to find out if I had got a job. I told him what the letter said. ‘Cheer up’, he replied. ‘If you keep 3sending out applications, you will find a job eventually. Can you tell me what they said?’ ‘What’s the use of reading anymore’, I replied disappointedly. I looked down at the letter again. the letter continued; ‘We do not feel you are experienced enough 5to work in our marketing department. However, after 6considering you CV, we would like 7to offer you some training for another position in our company. We would be glad 8to meet you to discuss this. We look forward to 9hearing from you soon’. ‘I suggest 10reading all the way to the end next time, sweetheart!’, dad said. 

1. [reading]

2. [to find out]

3. [sending]

4. [reading]

5. [to work]

6. [considering]

7. [to offer]

8. [to meet]

9. [hearing]

10. [reading]

Lucky horseshoes

In the UK, a lot of people put horseshoes on their front doors because they think it brings good luck. It’s one of the 1 most common sights on small cottages in country villages. But why do people think horseshoes bring good fortune? One reason is that horseshoes are made of iron. Other metals are believed to be nowhere 2 near as lucky as iron, which is believed to be 3a lot better at frightening away evil spirits 4 than any other metal. Another reason is that traditional horseshoes have seven holes, and you need seven nails to fasten a horseshoe to a horse’s foot. And seven is a 5much luckier number than any other.

1. [most]

2. [near]

3. [a lot]

4. [than]

5. [much]

English test 11

Visitors don’t have to  wear name badges, but they are available if you want to use them.

My best friend Kelly raised her eyebrows  when I told her I was going to buy a silver party dress. Clearly, she thought it was a bad idea.

Prison visitors mustn’t   give anything to the prisoners. It’s prohibited.

You needn’t  come to school tomorrow. It’s optional.

When she gets angry, my sister scowls  at me. It really is a scary face!

In class in the afternoon, I was so tired that I started to yawn 

We aren’t supposed to ride our bikes in the park, but everybody does, and nobody seems to mind.

You have to  wear the school uniform. It’s against the rules to wear anything else

My sister and her new husband waved  goodbye through the window of the limousine as they left the reception to go on their honeymoon.

Could you point  at the cake in the shop window that you would like?

An evening in the cinema

The worst thing about going to the cinema is the horrible noises other people make during the film. There is always somebody who 1coughs really loudly, without covering his mouth. Then there’s always the person who 2 slurps his cola instead of drinking it quietly. I hate that, and I’m always very quiet myself. Once I started 3hiccupping I don’t why. Perhaps I had been eating my popcorn too quickly. But instead of making lots of noise, I left the auditorium and got a drink of water, and only returned when I felt better. Actually, one thing that is more annoying than noisy people is my dad. He gets so irritated with people making noises that he turns round in his chair and 4tuts at them. He doesn’t ask them to be quiet. He just looks angry and makes a noise. It’s so embarrassing. And then, of course, if the film is long or boring, he falls asleep and starts to 5snore

Youth Film Society

  1. Read the text and decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. Choose the correct answer.

Youth Film Society

Do you love films? Are you interested in learning how to make one? Then there’s no better way to start than this. Become a member of the Youth Film Society (YFS) and join other young film fans who are learning to make their own films. Being a member enables you to take part in courses and events. You will also get discounts at cinemas around the country.

About us

For the past 20 years, YFS has given teenagers (12 – 17 years old) the opportunity to learn how to make a film. Our expert teachers include professional film-makers and film critics. We also run a number of fun events during the year, including a summer film camp and, of course, our YFS annual film festival.


YFS offers a number of short film courses for teenagers throughout the year. Our courses include the basics in film-making, the history and theory of film and many hands-on practical activities. Learn how to create a storyboard, how to write a script, how to act and how to put all this knowledge together to make a film.

Summer film camp

The camp takes place in July every year. It’s an opportunity to meet other young people keen on cinema and film-making. In the activity-packed week, you will be involved in many film-making activities and will contribute to a film made at the camp by everyone attending.
This year’s camp will take place between 2nd and 9th July. Depending on the interest shown, we may run a second camp later in the month.

Download an application form here.

Film festival

In our annual film festival, we show short and full feature films made by kids and teenagers (under 18). If you submit a film, you will have the chance not only to get it shown but you will also have the opportunity to win £5000! Each year 40 films are chosen to be shown, and yours could be one of them. There is no entry fee if you are under 18 when you submit your film and non-members are welcome. The festival takes place over a fortnight in April.

This year’s festival will take place between 5th and 18th  April.

More information about this year’s films, times of film showings and venues can be found here.

If you have any questions or would like more information about the Youth Film Society, please contact us at info@yfs.org. We look forward to hearing from you!

1. If you become a member of the Youth Film Society you will be able to buy cheaper cinema tickets. [Correct]

2. The Youth Film Society is a new film club for people aged under 18. [Incorrect]

3. You can do more than learn how to make a film if you join the Youth Film Society. [Correct]

4. The Youth Film Society runs both short and long film-making courses each year. [Incorrect]

5. On the courses you can learn to do a variety of different things related to film-making. [Correct]

6. During the film-making camp, everyone will make their own film. [Incorrect]

7. There is a possibility that there will be two film-making camps in July. [Correct]

8. There is a possibility that a film you submit to the festival will not be selected to be shown. [Correct]

9. You can submit a film to the film festival even if you don’t join the Youth Film Society. [Correct]

10. If you want to know more details about the Youth Film society, you will need to phone for information. [Incorrect]

Figure skater Katie Franks:
Just your ordinary teenager?

  1. Read the text and choose the correct options.

Figure skater Katie Franks:
Just your ordinary teenager?

She loves fizzy drinks, chocolate biscuits, Harry Potter novels and ballet. She has two cats called Snowy and Blackie and she’s been skating since she was only four years old.

Meet Katie Franks, the 16-year-old high-school student and figure-skating champion. Katie has won numerous medals and is currently training for the World Figure Skating  Championships later this year.

Amazed by her achievements so far, I ask her how she manages it all. ‘It isn’t easy,’ she admits, ‘but if you love something and are good at it, you want to do it.’

Katie trains twice a day, six days a week. Her first training session starts at 6.30 in the morning and lasts for about an hour. Her second is at 5.00 in the aftermoon and goes until 7.00. She tells me that to be able to compete she needs to train for three hours a day. ‘When does she study?’ I ask her.’ At weekends and after 9 every evening,’ she tells me.

She can’t eat whatever she wants and must also take ballet lessons. Does she ever miss being a regular teenager? ‘It’s very tiring but I enjoy it’, she says. ‘It may not be for everyone but I can’t imagine my life without skating’.

Surprisingly, Katie also has time to see friends and to enjoy her hobby, reading. But what happens if all this training does not produce the results she wants? What happens if she doesn’t do well or if she falls during her routine? ‘I try not to think about that. I’m a positive person and I know that on the day I will do my best’. ‘But you have to give up so much’, I tell her, ‘I don’t see it as a sacrifice’, she says. ‘I see it as a goal that I have set for myself. If I don’t win or if I do badly, I’ll try harder so that next time l’ll do better.’

Katie realizes she is an unusual teenager leading an unconventional life but she is a girl with a mission and she will keep at it until she reaches her goal.

1. What is the writer’s main purpose in writing the text? [To show how extraordinary Katie Franks’ life is.]

2. What does Katie say about her training sessions? [Her afternoon session is longer than the morning one.]

3. What does Katie say about her life? [She doesn’t want to change it.]

4. What is Katie’s attitude towards failure? [It makes her want to try harder next time.]

5. Which of the following would Katie say? [My aim is to succeed in my chosen sport.]

Tasmania – island of many secrets

  1. Read the text and decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. Choose the correct answer.

Tasmania – island of many secrets

Most people would find it difficult to locate Tasmania on a map. In fact, many confuse it with Tanzania in Africa. But Tasmania is an island state of Australia located on the edge of the world. Its nearest neighbours are the mainland of Australia to the north and Antarctica to the south.

For thousands of years, the only inhabitants of Tasmania were the native Aborigines. But in the early nineteenth century, when prisons in Britain were very overcrowded, it became an island prison for convicts (prisoners). The last  prisoners were transported in 1852 and by that time around 70 000 convicts had been sent to the island. If they survived their hard life in the prisons, the convicts were eventually set free to begin their lives at the other end of the world. They built towns and villages that would remind them of their home.

Tasmania today is a wonderful place to visit. For a start, it is unlike any other place on Earth. More than 40 per cent of the island is protected or has World Heritage status. The land is covered in mountains and there are many beautiful beaches, pretty cities and lively towns and villages.

It is also a place of extremes. It has Australia’s deepest lake, oldest theatre, rarest fish and longest cave. It is proud to have the world’s tallest flowering plant and the most ancient trees on the planet. It is the home of the Tasmanian devil, the world’s largest meat-eating marsupial. And according to the locals, Tasmania has the cleanest air and the purest water in the world! No wonder they believe that their home is the finest place on Earth.

With its rich variety of scenery, touring the island by car is one of the most popular ways of seeing it. But many people like to go on long bushwalks when they visit. A popular walk is the Overland Track. It is a 65-kilometre walk through dramatic scenery in the Cradle Mountain – Lake St Clair National Park. But if six days of walking is not for you, many of the island’s rainforests can be seen by boat, while cruising down the world-famous Gordon River. And a visit to Tasmania would not be complete without an evening ghost tour of the historic Port Arthur site, the prison built by the convicts themselves!

1. Most people do not really know where Tasmania is. [Correct]

2. Nobody lived in Tasmania before the prisoners arrived in the nineteenth century. [Incorrect]

3. The convicts sent to Tasmania spent the rest of their lives in prison. [Incorrect]

4. The whole island is a protected World Heritage site. [Incorrect]

5. In Tasmania you can see the oldest theatre in the world. [Incorrect]

6. Tasmania’s forests have the oldest trees in the world. [Correct]

7. Tasmania’s air and water are of a very high quality.  [Correct]

8. Many people drive around Tasmania when they visit. [Correct]

9. The only way to see Tasmania’s forests is on foot. [Incorrect]

10. You can go on a ghost tour of the Port Arthur site any time of day.[Incorrect]

Earning your own money by Leanne Broderick

  1. Read the text and choose the correct options.

Earning your own money by Leanne Broderick

Most young people have heard their parents complaining when they’ve asked them for money. And I’m no exception. The difference between me and many other 16-year-olds, though, is that I’ve done something about it. I’ve got myself an after-school job.

What do I do? I work on the checkout at my local supermarket. I didn’t know what to expect when I applied for the job but I was surprised to find that I actually enjoy it. It’s not hard to do and I get to talk to lots of different people during my shift. I have to be careful though. Because I’m dealing with money, I have to make sure I don’t make any mistakes.

I work every Friday evening and Saturday morning. It doesn’t really affect my schoolwork and my social life hasn’t really suffered either. I don’t mind not going out on Fridays after school and I can still go out on Saturday night, so it’s not really causing me any problems.

My parents, on the other hand, are a different story. They’re now all right with it but they weren’t at first. In fact, they were shocked that I had applied for the job. They were worried about the fact that it would interfere with my studies. But they’ve seen that I can easily manage my time  when doing homework and so it really isn’t a problem. They’re happy that I don’t have to work on a school night and, of course, they’re thrilled that I’ve stopped asking them for money!

I’ve learnt a lot having a job. It’s made me look at money in a different way. I’m now more careful with it – I don’t spend as much. I’ve also managed to save some of it and plan to buy myself a car when I’m 18. I’ve learnt to be more responsible and can honestly say that I’m proud of myself.

1. What is Leanne’s main purpose in writing the article? [To inform the reader about having an after‑school job.]

2. What does Leanne say about her job?[She likes the fact that she can talk to people.]

3. What does Leanne say about her social life?[She doesn’t have a problem not going out on Friday.]

4. What does Leanne say about her parents? [They are now pleased she is earning her own money.]

5. What would Leanne say to her schoolmates? [Working while studying can be very rewarding. It teaches you responsibility.]

Listen to an interview with an endurance cyclist. Are the sentences true or false? Choose the correct option.

Listen to an interview with an endurance cyclist. Are the sentences true or false? Choose the correct option.

1. The distance an endurance cyclist usually cycles is between 50 and 100 kilometres. [False]

2. Participants in the Paris – Brest – Paris event have to complete the course in 90 hours. [True]

3. The French event started back in 1871.  [False]

4. The winners of the Race Across America sleep for less than two hours a day. [True]

5. In the American event, the fastest cyclist ride around 800 km per day. [False]


Read the text. Match paragraphs A – C with questions 1 – 4. One paragraph matches two questions.


(A) The debate in the USA about whether to start school later has been running for many years. Ask any American teenager arriving at school at 7.30 a.m. and they will tell you that it’s difficult to memorise chemical formulae or lists of vocabulary so early in the morning. Is it just laziness, or is there a biological reason for this? Studies by scientists in the UK show that teenagers naturally want to go to bed about two hours later than adults and also get up later. This trend begins at about the age of thirteen and continues right through the teenage years. The scientists conclude that students inevitably feel tired in the morning and will therefore perform worse at school before lunch.

(B) Schools in some US states have tested this theory, and the findings back up the science. By delaying the start of school by just one hour, academic achievement has risen, absenteeism has declined and cases of depression among teenagers have also fallen. One study that involved 9,000 students revealed that grades in maths, English and science all rose when school began at 8.35 a.m. or later. Studies in other countries such as Brazil, Italy and Israel also show that later start times improve learning.

(C) However, not everyone advocates changing the school timetable. They claim that it would cause a huge amount of disruption. Others are opposed to the change because students won’t have time for after-school activities or part-time jobs. However, one benefit of a later start time may yet convince the doubters. A study in Wyoming showed that car crashes among 16-18-year-olds fell by 70% after the start time was changed from 7.35 a.m. to 8.55 a.m. More studies need to be carried out before a definite link can be made between the number of accidents and the school start times, but it is undeniable that it is less safe drive feel sleepy.

In which paragraph does the author …

1) quote the results of a study that confirms the conclusions of British scientists? [(B)]

2) suggest that students might be safer if the school start time were changed? [(C)]

3) mention some practical problems that might result from a change in the start time? [(C)]

4) refer to evidence that shows that adults’ body clocks are different from those of teenagers? [(A)]

Тест 4. 10 клас англійська мова

Complete the extract with the correct imperative form of the verb.

________enough exercise during the day…


Complete the sentence using the correct future continuous or future perfect form of the verb in brackets.

Five hours from now, we________(finish) this English lesson.

will have finished 

Complete the sentence with adjectives formed from the words in brackets.

I’ll never get these trainers clean. It’s_________(hope)! They’re___________(disgust)!

hopeless, disgusting 

Complete the sentence using the correct future continuous or future perfect form of the verb in brackets.

According to the weather forecast, the sun ___________(shine) all day tomorrow.

 will be shining

Match the definition with the word.

The part of the neck where food and air go.


Complete the sentence with adjectives formed from the words in brackets.

The leg injury was really____________(pain) – in fact, I was___________(surprise) it wasn’t broken.

painful, surprised 

Complete the first conditional sentence. Use the verbs in brackets. Choose the appropriate answer.

If I __________(tell) you a secret, __________(you / promise) not to tell anybody?

tell; will you promise 

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets. You may also need to add a prefix or a suffix.

We were very___________when a girl from our school won a gold medal. (pride)


Choose the correct option.

To __________this problem we need to ...


Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

I’m a little tired, so I________not go to the party. I’ll let you know for sure later.


Complete the word with a, i, e, o or y.


i, e 

Complete the extract with the correct imperative form of the verb.

________electronic devices in bed…

Don’t use 

Complete the first conditional sentence. Use the verbs in brackets. Choose the appropriate answer.

My mum__________ (not buy) me a new phone if I _________ (lose) this one.

won’t buy; lose

Read the definition and choose the appropriate word.

“A lack of water in the body”


Choose the two correct words to complete the sentence.

If you go to bed at the same time every night, ______ 11 p.m., you should get a good night’s sleep.

 for example; for instance

Choose the correct option.

In my __________, teenagers …


Complete the word with e, a, u, i or y.


u, a, e 

Choose the two correct words to complete the sentence.

You won’t be able to sleep if you drink liquids _____ tea or coffee before you go to bed.

such as; like 

Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

You were so rude to Thomas! He definitely ____________lend you his bike now.


Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets. You may also need to add a prefix or a suffix.

The man reacted___________when I asked him to stop talking during the tennis match. (anger)


Listen to an interview about a Swedish woman called Anna Bågenholm, who had an accident. Are the sentences true or false ? Choose the correct option.

Listen to an interview about a Swedish woman called Anna Bågenholm, who had an accident. Are the sentences true or false ? Choose the correct option.

1. About a third of people whose body temperature drops to below 28˚C do not survive. [False]

2. Anna’s colleagues called for help seven minutes after the accident. [True]

3. The first rescue team cut a hole in the ice and the second team pulled her out. [False]

4. Anna’s body temperature was 30.7˚C when she arrived at the hospital. [False]

5. Her heart did not begin beating again until her body temperature reached 36.4˚C. [True]